Hi! It's Nice To Meet You x

Terise, owner of Colour Me Cosy, sitting on a couch with a handmade quilt on her lap

Welcome, dear reader, to Colour Me Cosy, home of all things soft, cuddly and colourful! I'm Terise, founder, creative and fellow introvert in search the perfect level of cosy in my home (most specifically, my couch. Netflix binge, anyone?). 

I believe that your home should be a reflection of your personality, and what better way to express that than through colour pops and quirky designs? Here at CMC you will find all the colour combinations your heart desires, in the softest of soft fabrics for the ultimate relaxing experience. 

I have been sewing since I was 12, when a friend of the family first introduced me to quilting. My first ones were done by hand until I got a sewing machine in my late teens, and what a new world opened up to me! It was so fast!! Tootsie and I are now inseparable, and we have created some truly amazing designs together. Love you Tootsie! 

Along with my skills as a quilter, my passion for colour was also growing. Colour psychology has long fascinated me, and being able to combine that with my sewing through hand dyeing my own fabric makes my heart so happy. 

Welcome again, and I hope you have as much fun here as I do!

Stay cosy,

Terise x